Who Will Be Involved?

  • Students: The apex of the technology hierarchy pyramid is student empowerment, which could be the most important part of growth and sharing.  As students find what empowers their learning and as they continue to create and intertwine technology, they will be able to weave in their leadership skills to teach others.  Possible sharing opportunities for students include:
    • Sharing their created products with a buddy class
    • Technology leadership groups holding a passion group session for interested students.
    • Students teaching teachers in order to share the learning process they went through.
  • Building Principal: Share resources and ideas in order to build a strong building foundation around 21st century skills and technology.  
  • K-5 Teachers: Sit in on PLC's to gain insight on standards in order to build a strong connection between student learning in the classroom and how students can go through the design thinking process with integrated technology.